Dad, thanks for the good looks. I guess you owe Mom a thank-you card for that. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for teaching me how to tie my shoelaces... even though I still prefer Velcro. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for teaching me that life is too short to take everything seriously... especially dad jokes. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for passing on your incredible fashion sense. I don't know where I'd be without all those Hawaiian shirts. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you've always been my role model... for how not to dress! Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the 'dadventurer' of our family. You always find the most interesting shortcuts and detours. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the reason I have such a strong work ethic... I saw how hard you tried to avoid it. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the 'dad of all seasons.' You can grill in the summer, rake leaves in the fall, shovel snow in the winter, and nap all year round. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the funniest guy I know... besides me, of course. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you've always been a 'fun-gi' in my life! Happy Father’s Day!