May God shower your life with unlimited blessings on this day. Merry Christmas!
May the sights and sounds of Christmas work their merry magic in your heart. Merry Christmas!
May this festive Christmas season brings all the success for you. Merry Christmas!
May you receive the nicest gifts from your family and enjoy a big feast tonight. Merry Christmas!
Wishing you this Christmas will bring so much fun and happiness for you. Merry Christmas!
December is the month of cakes and candles, snow and songs, laughter and love, and the month of the special festival. Wishing you a blessed and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to someone who makes me feel merry and bright all year long. Have a beautiful holiday!
May your home be filled with laughter, contentment, harmony, peace, and an abundance of mercy. Merry Christmas!
May this day be a magical and a blissful one. Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a time for family, food and fellowship. Wishing you nothing but the best that the season has to offer. Merry Christmas!