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Home Dussehra Wishes Dussehra Wishes in English

Happy Dussehra Wishes in English

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May Lord Rama always keep showering his blessings upon youMay Lord Rama always keep showering his blessings upon you. May your life be prosperous and trouble free throughout.
Happy Dussehra!

May your life take a new turn this DussehraMay your life take a new turn this Dussehra. Let only positive and happy thoughts surround you and all negative and brooding ones burn along with the effigy of Ravana.
Happy Dussehra!

May God bless you with all success on the auspicious occasionMay God bless you with all success on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra and you may be capable of defeating all evils of your life.
Hayy Dussehra!

Sending my best wishes for you and familySending my best wishes for you and family on this auspicious occasion of Dusshera. May you always follow the path of Dharma like Lord Rama.
Happy Dusshera!

I pray that you develop all the qualities of Lord RamaI pray that you develop all the qualities of Lord Rama and be an ideal son, a perfect brother and an idyllic husband.
Happy Dussehra!

As Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evilAs Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. may all the evils in and around you vanish by the virtue of the goodness in and around you.
Happy Dussehra!

May the felicity that this Dussehra has brought you todayMay the felicity that this Dussehra has brought you today will last throughout the year! With warms and hugs, I wish you all the best.

May Goddess Durga grant all your wishes and bless youMay Goddess Durga grant all your wishes and bless you with good health, success and happiness.
Good wishes for a joyous Vijayadashami!

May your path be lit by light strength and fortuneMay your path be lit by light, strength and fortune.
Wishing you and your family an auspicious Dussehra!

May this festive season brings a lot of joy to your lifeMay this festive season brings a lot of joy to your life. Stay positive and have faith in yourself.
Happy Dussehra to you and your family!

May this Dussehra brings a lot of joy prosperity and successMay this Dussehra brings a lot of joy, prosperity and success for you. May you get relief from your worries.
Happy Dussehra!

May God showers his choicest blessings on youMay God showers his choicest blessings on you and you win over every hurdle in life.
Wish You Happy Dussehra!

May the demon in you always get defeatedMay the demon in you always get defeated and the angel always controls your thoughts.
Happy Dussehra!

May this Vijayadashami all the worries problems and obstaclesMay this Vijayadashami all the worries, problems and obstacles in your path of success get burned with the effigy of Ravana. May lord bless you with good health and wealth.
Happy Vijayadashami!

May Goddess Durga shower her choicest wishesMay Goddess Durga shower her choicest wishes over you and remove all evil obstacles in your life.
Happy Dussehra!

May this dussehra burn all your worriesMay this dussehra burn all your worries with the burning of ravana. Happy Dussehra!

It was today that good won victory over badIt was today that good won victory over bad, May this day clear all hurdels of your life and start new era of wellbeing.
Wish You Happy Dussehra!

May This Dussehra Brings Joy Happiness PeaceMay This Dussehra Brings Joy, Happiness, Peace And Harmony In Your Life.
Wish You Happy Dussehra!

On this auspicious day of Dussehra I wish you everyOn this auspicious day of Dussehra, I wish you every happiness and the fulfillment of all your dreams.
Happy Dussehra!

May Shri Ram bless you and your familyMay Shri Ram bless you and your family. Wish you a Happy, joyful, and prosperous Dussehra to you and your family!

On the happy occasion of Dussehra I prayOn the happy occasion of Dussehra, I pray that Lord Ram fills your life with lots of happiness, prosperity, and success.
Happy Dussehra to you and your family!

Best wishes on the auspicious occasion of DussehraBest wishes on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra, to all of my near and dear once.
Happy Dussehra!

Heres wishing you and your family good healthHere’s wishing you and your family good health, wealth, success and prosperity. May you be surrounded by goodness.
Happy Vijaya Dashami!

Burn all ego hatred and anger within you along withBurn all ego, hatred and anger within you along with the effigy of Ravana. May you be successful and happy ever!
Happy Dussehra!

Learn to admire not to envy Remember to workLearn to admire, not to envy. Remember to work and not to regret.
Have a blessed Dusshera!

On this special day as you celebrate valor & courageOn this special day, as you celebrate valor & courage, Triumph of Good over Evil, Wish you success & Happiness in Everything you Do.

May this dassehra light up for you the hopes of happy timesMay this dassehra light up for you the hopes of happy times &
dreams for a year full of smiles.
Wish you a Happy Dasshera!

May Truth always win and good triumph over evilMay Truth always win and good triumph over evil. May Lord always bless you with wisdom.
Happy Vijaydashmi!

Let us come together to celebrate the victory of goodLet us come together to celebrate the victory of good over evil on this auspicious day.
Wish You Happy Dussehra!

May Lord Rama keep lighting your path of successMay Lord Rama keep lighting your path of success and may you achieve victory in every phase of life.
Happy Dusshera!

The time for the celebration of the victoryThe time for the celebration of the victory of the good over the evil has arrived. Let’s continue the same spirit.
Happy Dusshera!

Enjoy the victory of good over the evilEnjoy the victory of good over the evil. May you have a fun-filled and blissful Dusshera.

Happy Dussehra to all of My FriendsHappy Dussehra to all of My Friends. Hope this festival brings lots of joy and Happiness to all of you.

Spread Goodness to Conquer with this DussehraSpread Goodness to Conquer with this Dussehra.
Wishing you and your Family a very Happy Dussehra.

May the victory of Good over Evil inspire youMay the victory of Good over Evil inspire you towards your own victories.
Wish you happy dussehra!

May this Dussehra brings joy happiness peace and harmonyMay this Dussehra brings joy, happiness, peace, and harmony in your life.
Happy Dussehra!

May your troubles burst away like the fireworksMay your troubles burst away like the fireworks and your happiness be multiple ten times.
Happy Dussehra!

May Shri Ramji gives you all happiness and loveMay Shri Ramji gives you all happiness and love for your family. Happy Dussehra to all!

May Lord Ram keep showing you the right pathMay Lord Ram keep showing you the right path and always help you achieve your goals.
Happy Dussehra!

May Maa Durga remove all the evils and troublesMay Maa Durga remove all the evils and troubles from your life.
Wish you and your loved ones a very happy Dussehra!

With the effigy of Ravana burn all your worriesWith the effigy of Ravana, burn all your worries also this Dussehra. Stay happy and make others happy.
Happy Dussehra!

May the truth always win and good triumph over evilMay the truth always win and good triumph over evil. May the Lord always bless you with wisdom and good health.
Happy Dussehra!

May Bhagwan Ram keep showering his blessing upon youMay Bhagwan Ram keep showering his blessing upon you.
Happy Dussehra!

Before the golden sun rises let me decorateBefore the golden sun rises let me decorate each of the rays with success & happiness to you and your family.
Happy Vijaya Dashami!

May this day clear all hurdles of your life and start a new eraMay this day clear all hurdles of your life and start a new era of well-being.
Happy Dussehra!

May this Dussehra bring new hopes of happy timesMay this Dussehra bring new hopes of happy times to come and dreams for a year full of smiles.
Wishing you a happy Dussehra!

Learn to admire not to envy Remember to work and not to regretLearn to admire, not to envy Remember to work and not to regret. Have a blessed Dusshera!

Wish this Dussehra bring devotion determination and dedicationWish this Dussehra bring devotion, determination, and dedication in your life. Happy Dussehra!

May Shri Ramji give you all happiness and love to your familyMay Shri Ramji give you all happiness and love to your family.
Happy Dussehra to all.

May Lord Rama's grace be with you and your familyMay Lord Rama's grace be with you and your family and may you always keep spreading love and happiness.
Wishing a very happy Vijaya Dashami to you!
