Dad, thanks for teaching me the importance of a good nap... even during family gatherings. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you’re my favorite parent. But if you tell Mom, I’ll deny I ever said it and you know who she’ll believe. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the king of the 'dad zone.' It's a place where puns thrive and embarrassment knows no limits. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you've always been my role model... for how not to dress! Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're not just my father, you're my partner in crime... especially when Mom is not looking! Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for the great advice. Just kidding, I never listen to you. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for always letting me win at board games... until I was old enough to realize you were letting me win. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're my hero. Well, you and my smartphone. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for teaching me that patience is a virtue... especially when you're stuck in traffic. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the 'dad of all seasons.' You can grill in the summer, rake leaves in the fall, shovel snow in the winter, and nap all year round. Happy Father’s Day!