Dad, thanks for teaching me how to tie my shoelaces... even though I still prefer Velcro. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're my superhero. Well, at least until I turned 10 and realized Batman was cooler. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're my hero. Well, you and my smartphone. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the king of 'dadvice.' You always have an answer, even when nobody asked the question. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the 'dad of all seasons.' You can grill in the summer, rake leaves in the fall, shovel snow in the winter, and nap all year round. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the king of dad reflexes. You always catch falling objects just in time to break them. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, I know I'm your favorite child... after all, who could resist my charm and wit? Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, thanks for always finding creative ways to embarrass me in public... I'm convinced it's your superpower. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the 'dad of all trades.' You can fix a leaky faucet, grill a perfect steak, and tell a hilarious joke all at once. Happy Father’s Day!
Dad, you're the reason I have such a strong work ethic... I saw how hard you tried to avoid it. Happy Father’s Day!